I'm moving on and letting go
Everytime I see you it's the same old same
And i'm getting sick and tired of playing your games
I guess I'm just wishing one day you'll change
Take a look, can't you realize how you've caused me so much pain?
Do you ever see yourself being my man?
Take another look, but this time in my eye, don't you understand
How much I care for you, but it's time for me to take this stand
I won't take it anymore
I just dont think I can
I'm moving on, and letting go
That one special man that will never know
How he had the one girl, who would have made everything right
This girl would have given you the perfect life
She tried to keep you, she fought with all her might
But you let her go, I guess you forgot to fight.
One day you'll see the difference between black and white
You'll see how much I loved you and how I never wanted to say goodbye
To the love of my life
I'm moving on
I'm facing my fears
I'm changing myself to who I want to be
I'm going to learn
I'm still so young
I still have a lot yet to come
So, no more rainy days
I'm going to wish all my nightmares away
I'm gonna pray
because I've learned, when you try
you make it out okay
and bad comes before good,
I believe god has a plan for me
an adventure for me to foresee
and now i'm going to go and
be the person I should be.
Cassadee Marie.